Monday, April 4, 2016

The Letter "T"


Is a headless stick man
A yard light 
A clothes hanger 
A cheer leader 
A bed 
A cross in a church on Sunday
A stick whale 
Sword in the ground 
A set of arms
A crane 
A very skinny tall person  
A pillow fort 

Trail mix

Image result for the letter t

My Insult Poem

Insult Poem 

His name takes my smile away 
When I see his face I don't want to stay 
We where super close 
But now I want to spray him with a water hose 

When you saw her you tried to cheat 
because you thought that would be pretty neat
But really you are a loser
You are a heart abuser

You make my want to throw up 
Why can't we just back up?
You have such a big nose
You only care about your bro's 

I hate you to the moon 
You remind me of a big prune
When you smile 
I  want to run a mile  

Image result for insult quotes

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

New life5238554034_50bd7476c8_o.jpg
By: Shaylyn N. Willburn
Wow I thought to myself as we were flying right above Pairs. I was ready to start my new life and move on from my past. After hours of traveling I was happy to be back on solid ground. As I got off the plane as I found all my bags I saw the most beautiful girl and She was walking towards me wow was she actually going to talk to me? I was scared at first but she told me her name and, I told her how I was going to be at the Eiffel tower later today.I was in a rush so I grabbed my bags and bolted for a taxi. I had decided to move to Paris because I love to write and I always have my camera with me. When I finally got to my new empty home I decided to go explore around the city. As I was taking a picture I saw her. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen I just had to talk to her. I walked up to her very slowly and scared. “Hi my name is Cameron!”
She smiled the cutest smile ever and said “Hello I am Lylianna”
“It is very nice to meet you!” I could not help but stare at her I probably looked like a creep.
We talked and laughed she made me forget the whole world. It became very late and it was time to go separate ways. We made sure to get each other's phone numbers. That night I walked home with a very big smile on my face.
We started texting at 9 o'clock that night and went on until 3am. The next few hours I didn't get any sleep as I thought of her smile and her laugh. As I tried to get out of bed that morning I was so sleepy I had to get coffee. When I finally got dressed and ready to go it was 10 o’clock wow time can pass fast I thought to myself.
A few days passed and Lylianna was very busy working on a story for her job. I knew she was going to have to go back home to California but I didn't want that to really happen. When I actually got enough nerve to ask her on a date. She said yes I got the biggest smile when I saw that text. I got to pick the place of the date so I picked Kell's Cafe. We decided that we would go at 9:30 am. I was so excited I could not wait any longer. The time finally came and I rushed to my car to pick up Lylianna. When I saw her in that sun dress all I could think about was how pretty she looked. “Wow” was the only thing I could say.
“Thank you” she says
“Are you ready?”
“Yes I am thank you”
I drive us the cafe. We get there as we get our coffee we talk about how her job is going and when she will be done. We also talk about how she likes Paris and if she would ever want to live here. Our date is a few hours and when I take her back to her hotel, I put my hand on her cheek and kiss her. After a few more dates actually a lot more dates I decided that she is the one. The one girl I want to spend my life with and if I lose her I might not have a life.
I knew her parents would never let her stay here with me but there had to be a way I knew there had to be a way. One day I heard Lilyanna on the phone telling whoever it was that she wanted to stay and that she found someone that meant a lot to her. “Who was that?” I ask and she seemed stressed out
“Oh that was my mom. My parents are flying in tomorrow.”
“Is that a good or bad thing?”
“I’m really not sure”. Lilyanna starts playing with her hair. She must do that when she is nervous. The next day could have not came fast enough she wanted me to go with her to pick up her parents. As I drove what felt the longest trip of my life I was thinking on how I was going to ask her dad for Lylianna’s hand in marriage. It felt like forever and we finally got to the airport. The place where I started my new life. “Hello my name is Camron nice to meet you” Lylianna’s dad gave me the worst death stare ever. I was scared for my life. As we all packed into my car to head to their hotel we all started talking about how the states were. I had not watched the news in a few months. A few hours later I when to a jewelry store to pick out her ring I thought it should be big but not to big. It needed to be perfect.The girls wanted to go shopping so Jeff and I went out for a beer. “Umm sir can I ask you a question?”
Jeff replies “Sure anytime”
“May i have your daughter's hand in marriage?”
Jeff looks stunned not sure what to say “What i have heard and seen so far you seem like a really nice kid. I really know that my baby girl is growing up and she is ready to move on. So I feel like this is the right thing to say… I think I am going to say yes”
“Thank you sir I really mean it”
A few days past and the big night is coming up I’m going to ask Lilyana to marry me and stay here. The way I was going to ask her at the Eiffel tower after a nice dinner with her parents. I pulled out the ring to look at it one last time before I put it on her finger. The night came closer and I texted Lilyanna and asked her and her parents at this really good restaurant. We all meet for dinner and have really good conversations. As the time came closer  my nerves got really bad and I started to feel sick. As I held her soft hand and walked with her I could not stop smiling. We got to the tower and I looked into Lilyanna’s eyes her deep blue beautiful eyes. I got down on one knee and she started to cry before I even got to ask her to marry me she said “YESSSSSSSSSS” and jumped on me. I truly could not believe I was getting married I thought I was just going to be alone my whole life.

After a few months we started to plan and lyli moved into my house. We decided the date of the wedding as May 10th. That was six months away. As those months passed slowly we planned where the wedding was going to be and who all was coming. Lyli’s mom flew in 4to help her pick out a dress and all the girly stuff that had to be done. As the wedding date got closer and closer we got closer as a couple. We knew that this was meant to be.
Today is wedding day. The day I give my love to a girl, the girl of my dreams. I was getting ready for Jeff to walk Lyli down the aisle. The thought of her being my Wife made me overly delighted. I waited at the altar for her to come and take my hand. When she finally started walking down the aisle. She looked absolutely stunning. I almost started crying I was so happy. As the priest talked all I could think about was her beautiful smile. It was my turn to say my vows. “Today and always, beyond tomorrow, I need you beside me, always as my best friend, lover, and forever soulmate.” I could barely say without crying. The priest said “you may kiss your bride.” I kissed her soft and slowly. The reception began right after the wedding. We partied for hours. Finally it was time to end the fun. Our honeymoon was in the Caribbean. After our one week away we had to go back to Cali to get all of her stuff. We lived in my apartment for a long time then decided to move to a real house.I feel like I am one of the luckiest guys in the world. I know that Lilyanna and I are going to have a happy ending, but for now I’m going to live in the moment and keep my past behind me and my future ahead of me.

Thursday, January 7, 2016